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RIFOX - Hans Richter GmbH Spezialarmaturen, based in Bremen, was founded in February 1949 by Hans E. Richter. Since then, the company has consistently grown and significantly influenced the development of condensate technology. RIFOX is particularly known for its advancements in float-controlled condensate traps and vent valves for the highest pressure ranges and temperatures between -196°C and 550°C.

Since April 1, 2012, the company with around 30 employees has been part of the globally operating Thermax Group from India. Our own production not only guarantees high-quality standards but also allows quick and flexible responses to customer requirements and short-term deliveries. Together with the Thermax Group and the production site for RIFOX technology in Pune, India, we can serve the local and international markets quickly and effectively.

Under the slogan "Inspiring Customers," RIFOX is developing an international sales concept. A wide range of high-quality products is available at short notice and delivered to our now global customer base. Visit our website and learn about the comprehensive delivery program. Here you will find not only technical data sheets and installation instructions but also graphical animations illustrating the different principles of our condensate traps. In addition to standard devices, you will also find special designs that have made the name RIFOX known for customer-specific solutions. The focus here is not on large quantities but on problem-solving.

Benefit from our experience, whether in the field of special media, high pressures and temperatures, exotic materials, or large nominal sizes and flow rates.

This is made possible by:

  • Individual product development
  • Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and execution and classification of products according to the Pressure Equipment Directive PED 2014/68/EU
  • Microprocessor-based leak testing facilities to monitor the manufacturing quality of RIFOX valves
  • In-house CNC production, turning, welding, assembly, testing, and painting
  • The unique rotary slide valve technology developed to separate condensate from steam and compressed gas systems and cold gases from liquid pressure systems

Our extensive range includes:

  • RIFOmat Float Traps
  • RIFOlevel Level Regulators, Inlet and Outlet Regulators
  • RIFOdyn Thermodynamic Condensate Traps
  • RIFOjet Nozzle Condensate Traps
  • RIFOair Automatic Vents
  • RIFOdry Centrifugal Separators and Fine Dryers
  • RIFOlift Condensate Pumps and Lift Stations
  • RIFOplus Check Valves, Sight Glasses, Strainers, and many other fittings
  • RIFObi / RIFOka Thermal Bimetal/Capsule Condensate Traps




RIFOX - Hans Richter GmbH Spezialarmaturen
Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 9
28207 Bremen

Ludwig-Quidde-Str. 7-15 • D - 28207 Bremen


+49 (0) 421 49 975 - 0

+49 (0) 421 49 975 - 40


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