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Thermally controlled discharge of steam condensate from pipelines and systems.

RIFObi - Thermisch gesteuertes Ableiten von Dampfkondensat aus Rohrleitungen und SystemenThermally controlled discharge of steam condensate from pipelines and systems. Thermally controlled condensate traps are opened and closed via a bimetal or a capsule filled with special fluid. The thermal element open and closes the valve outlet slightly below the saturated steam (subcooling). Thermal condensate traps hold back the condensate until the subcooled set temperature is and then open.


Steam Drainage

RIFOka: Very responsive
RIFObi: Insensitive to water hammer, extremely robust

Typical Applications:
Steam supply lines, Bimetals especially for superheated steam, low capacity draining.


Item.No.RIFObi/kaType/ DesignDatasheetManual
102227RIFObi Thermo-Controlled Bi-metallic TrapModel 2227 (PN 40)DE | ENDE | EN
102254RIFObi Thermo-Controlled Bi-metallic TrapModel 2254 (PN 40)DE | ENDE | EN
6024HDRIFObi Thermo-Controlled Bi-metallic TrapModel Duplex-HD 2440 (PN 100)DE | ENDE | EN
6025HDRIFObi Thermo-Controlled Bi-metallic TrapModel Super-Duplex 2550 (PN 160)DE | ENDE | EN
110201-NRIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule Steam TrapModel Minibody-10201-N (PN40)DE | ENDE | EN
110201-N-RRIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule Steam TrapModel Minibody-10201-N (PN40); with nonreturn valveDE | ENDE | EN
110203-NRIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule TrapModel Nirobody-10203-N (PN 40)DE | ENDE
110210RIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule TrapModel RIFOka 10210 (PN 40)DE | ENDE | EN
110250RIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule TrapModel Z-10250 (PN 40); intermediate flange designDE | ENDE | EN
110260-NRIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule TrapModel Steril-10260-N (PN 6)DE | ENDE | EN
6RK10290RIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule TrapModel RK10290 (PN 40)
6RK10291-NRIFOka Thermo-Controlled Capsule TrapModel RK10291-N (PN 40)


RIFOX - Hans Richter GmbH Spezialarmaturen
Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 9
28207 Bremen

Ludwig-Quidde-Str. 7-15 • D - 28207 Bremen


+49 (0) 421 49 975 - 0

+49 (0) 421 49 975 - 40


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