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Are you looking for a new challenge? Become part of a growing, dynamic company with more than 70 years of experience! RIFOX - Hans Richter GmbH Special Fittings, based in Bremen, was founded in 1949. Since then, the company has consistently grown and significantly influenced the development of condensate technology. Since 2012, the company with 28 employees has been part of the globally operating Thermax India. Our own production not only guarantees high-quality standards but also allows quick and flexible responses to customer requirements and short-term deliveries. Together with the Thermax Group and the production site for RIFOX technology in Pune, India, we can serve the local and international markets quickly and effectively.

RIFOX - Hans Richter GmbH Spezialarmaturen is seeking for independent sales agents who would like to promote and sell our products on their own account or against commission in their markets.


RIFOX - Hans Richter GmbH Spezialarmaturen
Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 9
28207 Bremen

Ludwig-Quidde-Str. 7-15 • D - 28207 Bremen


+49 (0) 421 49 975 - 0

+49 (0) 421 49 975 - 40


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